Testing and experimentation

Testing and experimentation

Can you trust your CRO test results? Rules for CRO test validity

An invalid test is a waste of time, resources and trust, especially if you had to advocate hard for CRO in the first place! Here are some ground rules to ensure your tests are set up in valid conditions.
Aline Roux
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Testing and experimentation

There's no such thing as a perfect test idea: 7 key ideas for an experimentation mindset

There's no such thing as a perfect test idea. Changing your mindset from testing to experimentation will lead to more learnings and future ideas. Here are 7 key ideas for an experimentation mindset.
Sam Walker
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Testing and experimentation

Q&A session - How to build the foundations of a winning CRO programme (part 3/3)

It's the final part of our webinar with Nando's - questions from the audience on testing and experiments. Take a look at the answers from George and Matt.
Laura Fox
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More from us

Testing and experimentation

Insight tests and impact tests - why you need both for successful CRO

Both impact and insight testing are needed for a successful CRO programme. Find out what each type of test looks like and what the best course of action is for your organisation right now.

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Testing and experimentation

Is there more to CRO testing than just numbers? Yes!

CRO encompasses SO much more than just conversion rate numbers! To succeed read on for advice on where to put your focus instead.

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Testing and experimentation

Why and how you should A/B test your pricing

It isn’t always easy to test pricing changes depending on your business, but it is doable and should definitely form part of your CRO toolkit. Here are 3 ways you can do it.

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Testing and experimentation

Iterative A/B testing - how to evolve an idea you've already tested

Iterative A/B testing or iteration is a key part of CRO and allows you to squeeze more from a previously tested idea. Find out why, what and how to iterate here.

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